Sponsorship Details
Tinsel & Tinis 2023
November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Click the sponsor links below to register your Sponsorship and pay online.
To pay by check, email Jean Tibbott jtibbott@habitatwill.org to complete your sponsorship registration.
To pay by check, email Jean Tibbott jtibbott@habitatwill.org to complete your sponsorship registration.
Santa Baby Sponsor - $2,500
10 Complimentary TicketsBuild Day for a maximum of 10 participants
Clickable Logo on Tinsel & 'Tini website
Thank You posts on Will County Habitat for Humanity and Joliet ReStore social media
Guest spot on Will County Habitat's Building Homes & Changing Lives radio show
Logo included in Herald newspaper ads
Logo on ReStore TV monitors for 1 year
Logo on event marketing material
Complimentary booth at Tinsel & 'Tinis event
Mistletoe Sponsor - $1,000
5 Complimentary TicketsBuild Day for a maximum of 5 participants
Clickable Logo on Tinsel & 'Tini website
Thank You posts on Will County Habitat for Humanity and Joliet ReStore social media
Logo included in Herald newspaper ads
Logo on ReStore TV monitors for 1 year
Logo on event marketing material
Baby It's Cold Outside Sponsor - $500
2 Complimentary TicketsClickable Logo on Tinsel & 'Tini website
Thank You posts on Will County Habitat for Humanity and Joliet ReStore social media
Logo included in Herald newspaper ads
Logo on ReStore TV monitors for 1 year
Logo on event marketing material
Cozy Little Christmas Sponsor - $250
Clickable Logo on Tinsel & 'Tini websiteThank You posts on Will County Habitat for Humanity and Joliet ReStore social media
Logo included in Herald newspaper ads
Logo on ReStore TV monitors for 1 year
Logo on event marketing material
Holly Jolly Sponsor - $100
Clickable Logo on Tinsel & 'Tini websiteThank You posts on Will County Habitat for Humanity and Joliet ReStore social media
Logo included in Herald newspaper ads
Logo on event marketing material